Shop Departments Menu (amazon style)

0 1925
php, css, smarty, html, tpl, tpl

One button Dropdown Menu navigation module which allows you to display nested categories and product's brands (optional)

The module allows adding a menu button with categories selected by you in the module back end. Choose position, colors and button Title and you are ready to go. The module will collect sub-categories and brands within selected categories and generate a flyout menu that automatically opens on category mouse hover.

A most important benefit in comparison with other menus is the compact one button style menu.

No more large and heavy menus. Customers can navigate your site easily and fast.

Your customers will see a great looking menu with category image as a background, Brands list (optional) and subcategories with descriptions (short description is optional ).

The category image as background grab the attention of your customers and promote your categories visually. You can upload your manual category thumbnails for each selected category to best promote it.


  • Easy to install
  • Specify the title text for the menu
  • Show sub-categories
  • Display list of brands within category (optional)
  • Show category image as background in the flyout menu
  • Option to show one random product within category (you can disable it).
  • Friendly and flexible configuration - select categories you want to display or promote
  • Unlimited menu colors - easy to choose menu colors with backend color selector tool
  • Option to enable/disable brands or products section
  • You can control the ordering of the root items in the menu
  • SEO URLs support
  • Smarty Cache support - after first run menu cached and your store is fast
  • SSL support


Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.6, 7+
  • GD PHP Extension


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– Version 1.0.0
– Version 1.0.3
Update: prestashop 1.6.1 hooks
– Version 1.1.3
Update: Prestashop 1.7 support
Software & Version required Prestashop 1.6+ & 1.7+
Product version 1.1.3
Type Design and Navigation
Tags menu, categories, level, sub categories, amazon, tags, brands

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