Multi shipping Prestashop 1.7 and PrestaShop 8 delivery

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PrestaShop 1.7 & PrestaShop 8 module to allow the customer Multiple addresses (or one address) or different carriers delivery per product. Deliver products to multiple addresses by different or the same PrestaShop carriers. Each product will populate customer profile addresses options and carriers for that destination depending on the PrestaShop shipping carriers methods you've set up.

Purchase on the Official PrestaShop marketplace visit link Multi-Address delivery PrestaShop

Allowing multiple shipping addresses in PrestaShop 1.7 and Presta 8

Within a single cart:

  1. Products can ship to different addresses (same origin);
  2. Products can be shipped by the same carrier to the same or different addresses or they can ship by using different carriers, according to the addresses and shipping choices offered on the website cart page and then selected by the customer;
  3. After payment is completed Prestashop will create linked orders for each carrier

Multi carriers delivery benefits

Help your customers in the shopping process. Offer a great customer experience to purchase more in one cart checkout with tracking and easy delivery.

Configuration Multiple Shipping Addresses

To enable the feature to ship to multiple shipping addresses and different carriers in one cart, several pre-configurations are required to work with the multi-shipping Prestashop module. No refund policy if you ignore this.

  • Payments: Allow all payments to be available for countries you allow to deliver. Read the PrestaShop guide "Payment module restrictions on countries"
    Payments country restrictions
  • Payments: please remove Payment module restrictions on carriers. Read the PrestaShop guide "Payment module restrictions on carriers"
    PrestaShop carriers restrictions
  • Customers will select the different addresses and available carriers for selected addresses but checkout will proceed with one payment.
  • Modules altering checkout: no warranty or confirmation on the support of the one-page checkout or other checkout modules. Multi-shipping module designed to work with standard Prestashop checkout process.

Customer Experience

The option to ship to more than one address will only be offered if both of the following criteria are met

  • the customer is logged into their account
  • there is more than one address in their profile

However, Prestashop customers and visitors can choose to ship their order by multiple carriers on the cart page. During the Shipping step of checkout, they will be offered the link to change their address or carrier choice. Clicking this link will take them to the multi-address and carriers cart page flow.

PrestaShop carriers selection

Once the destinations have been chosen, the customer can proceed with the checkout with one payment, the multiply linked orders with the same reference will be created to give you and customer experience with easy tracking and order states management. The shipping carriers in your store will use the destination address and cart contents of each product to provide quotes for each individual shipment. Products selected with the same destination and carrier will be shipped as one order.

PrestaShop multi address delivery

Server Requirements

  • PrestaShop 1.7+, Presta 8
  • PrestaShop overrides enabled. Enable the override feature in the PrestaShop performance settings
  • Not compatible with 3rd party PrestaShop carriers modules which require some action during checkout: known modules


Version 1.0.5
List Available carrier's products attributes support. Ship products with the different set of attributes in separate parcel
Version 1.0.9
Cart class override fix
Version 1.1.1
Dutch translation
Version 1.2.0
Prestashop 8 multi addresses & multi carriers support
Version 1.3.0
Prestashop 8 deprecated Tools::JsonEncode
Version 1.3.2
Prestashop Using serialize() / unserialize() is forbidden 
Version 1.3.4
Add the first address link 
Version 1.4.5
Optional price with tax 
Version 1.5.0
Improved carrier max weight support 
Version 1.5.1
Experimental External carriers support
Version 1.6.0
Prestashop select different carriers per product on checkout
Software & Version required PrestaShop 1.7+ PrestaShop 8+
Product version 1.6.4
Type Shipping and Logistics
Tags delivery, addresses, carriers, linked orders, multishipping

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