ERP Stel Order prestashop

0 4487
php, tpl, js

La implementación del Erp Stel Order con Prestashop.

STEL Order ERP is PrestaShop 1.7 module, written in PHP, that allows web-store owners to quickly export products and customers to STEL Order online CRM. It is designed to use the STEL Order JSON API with your API key. This APIKEY is intended to be used only in a System-to-System communication environment. It allows you to easily create products or updates by selected product's reference (name, Prestashop reference or external id as Prestashop products database id).

Please register and get the STEL Order API key in order to use this module.

The module comes with a configuration that allows exporting only active products. 

What is the STEL Order?

The online ERP that makes your business and life easier. With STEL Order online and mobile ERP, you can collect and view all of your business information in a synchronized and safe online environment. You can access this information from your PC, smartphone, and tablet, even when you don’t have an internet connection.

¿Qué es STEL Order?

El ERP online y móvil que hace tu negocio y tu vida más fácil.

What PrestaShop integration module do?

  • Export Prestashop customers to online ERP as clients
  • Export Prestashop products to online STEL Order ERP


  • Runs on PHP 7.2.0+
  • Create or update products and clients with your Stel Order API key
  • Test sandbox mode support
  • Export PrestaShop customers data to create or update ERP Clients:
    • by email
    • Company name (legal-name)
    • name
    • website
    • customer note
    • main address: phone
    • main address: phone2
    • main address: alias
    • main address: address line 1 (street name etc)
    • main address: postal code
    • main address: state or province name if applicable
    • main address: vat number (as TIN)
    • main address: Country
    • main address: City
  • Export PrestaShop products data to create or update ERP Clients:
    • name (default PrestaShop language)
    • reference (SKU)
    • barcode
    • description
    • on sale (yes/no)
    • wholesale price (purchase price)
    • price (sales price)
    • cumulative stock quantity (like what you see in the PrestaShop list)

Server Requirements

  • PHP 7+
  • PHP Curl lib enabled


Version 1.0.0
Sync products
Version 1.0.1
Added: endpoints for CLIENTS
 Fix: serial-number-id for manual products SKU export
Version 1.0.2
ERP Sync prestashop products error text

Software & Version required Prestashop 1.7+
Product version 1.0.2
Type - Other, Administration
Tags ERP, sync, export, products, customers, clients

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  • Mario Perez

    Mario Perez

    Necesitaría contactar con vosotros para adquirir e implementar el modulo
    4 years ago Reply Report
    • Hello. Let me know your questions. Hola. Hágame saber sus preguntas.
      4 years ago Report


    Hola buen dia, estoy en México y me encantaria me pudiera apoyar, con la instalacion de este modulo en prestashop, ya usamos Stel Order desde hace 1 año y queremos ahora automatizar los procesos de venta. les dejo mi cel 52 331****99 Gracias
    4 years ago Reply Report
    • Hello. We would be grateful if you would send us the details to email.
      4 years ago Report

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