Product TARIC code and Origin Country fields

0 5011
php, tpl, smarty, twig

Prestashop module to add an Integrated Customs Tariff code product field and the Country of Origin dropdown to the PrestaShop product edit page. Taric module overrides Prestashop 1.7 or PrestaShop 8+ admin the generate pdf invoice page and show tariff number and product origin in the PDF output (by clicking on Orders -> Invoices then clicking on the Generate PDF button).

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What is Prestashop taric code

The TARIC code (TARif Intégré Communautaire; Integrated Tariff of the European Communities) is designed to show the various rules applying to specific PrestaShop products when imported. For all companies involved in the import and export of products – a large part of PrestaShop e-commerce is based on them – tariff codes are of great importance. Since tariffs vary according to the product and its origin, it is essential to have additional product fields in your PrestaShop products. Taric number and Origin country are stored in the PrestaShop database.

Taric (tariff) field

Products Taric and Country of origin are required in official documents and formalities and a reason for suspension in customs in case of irregularities. This PrestaShop module displays the TARIC code and Origin Country on the admin invoice page

Prestashop fields module features

  • Admin New product Field: Tariff number
  • Admin New product Field: Country of product origin
  • Admin PDF invoice override to display per products Taric and ISO country
  • Prestashop translatable


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Version 1.0.0
Tarif number field
Version 1.0.1
Added: translatable through the new translation Prestashop 1.7.6 interface Added: trans Twig filter Added: HTMLTemplateInvoice pdf class override to display new fields in the admin generated invoice
Version 1.2.0
Added: Symfony Services form.factory load Prestashop 1.7.X
Version 1.2.1
Added: SymfonyContainer load Prestashop 8; PHP8 support
Version 1.2.3
Added: PrestaShop products Country field placeholder. PrestaShop HS code 
Version 2.0.1
Added: merchant email and EORI code; customer email on PrestaShop PDF invoice
Software & Version required PrestaShop 1.7+ PrestaShop 8+ PrestaShop 9+
Product version 2.1.6
Type Administration, Shipping and Logistics
Tags tariff, eu, taric, Combined Nomenclature, EZT, CN-Code

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