PayWay Plugin prestashop

By khaet
0 3389
php, tpl, js

This PrestaShop 1.7 module integrates the PayWay, an online payment gateway powered by ABA Bank.

Whether you are managing a store business or running shop, with PayWay you can accept online payments via various ways instantly and hassle-free in KHR or USD currencies.

Module features

  • Live and Test mode
  • PHP 7 support
  • accept payments from ABA PAY, VISA, MasterCard, and UnionPay debits/credit cards.
  • Custom payment name for PrestaShop FO
  • KNR or USD cart amount conversion. Convert order amount to selected currency no matter what customer currency in the cart. Please add currency to Prestashop (KHR or USD). If you need to restrict payment module usage according to the user's currency, simply check the boxes that apply and click on the "Save restrictions" in the PrestaShop Payment Preferences

External account required

To use PayWay ABA Bank PrestaShop Payment in your store, register merchant account

Software & Version required Prestashop 1.7
Product version 1.0.0
Type Payment Gateways
Tags payway, khr, usd, aba bank, Cambodia, ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា

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