Category & Navigation Menu multilevel

0 1944
php, css, js

Improve navigation on your website. With this Menu abantecart plugin, you can display your categories and sub-categories in a multi-column drop-down menu.


  • built-in Abantecart menu - To add a custom menu item go to Design > Menu in your front end.
  • option to disable abantecart menu
  • Set the ‘Mega Menu Number of Columns’ option that will determine how many columns will be displayed.
  • 4 columns mode: Second Level sub-categories items will display as a title for columns. The Third Level menu items will be the smaller menu items in each column.
  • 1 column mode: simple dropdown with sub-categories
  • 3 columns mode: Second Level sub-categories menu items combined in 3 columns. First level category’s description above them and a few second-level sub-categories image and description below.
  • We offer several options to customize the menu:
    - colors - set your gradient colors for the menu and dropdown backgrounds, category name, name shadow
    - product counter
    - option to disable Home menu
    - core AbanteCart menu can be displayed as part of Home menu


Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.6, 7+, 8+


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Version 1.0.0
Version 1.0.6
Fix: columns CSS
Software & Version required AbanteCart 1.2+ & 1.3+, 1.4+
Product version 1.2.6
Type Design and Navigation
Tags menu, categories, level, sub categories

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