Sell eCommerce Themes

There is an abundance of software that can be considered eCommerce solutions like Shopify, Magento, Prestashop, WooCommerce, or Wordpress for several online business operators. Entrepreneurs of the 21st century are seeking to make the most of the online market and this is where these solutions become a major help. Platforms of this sort give users access to features that can serve to optimize the marketing and selling process. All of this is made available to entrepreneurs for a way lower cost than if they were to establish a brick and mortar. One of the things that users enjoy about most eCommerce platforms is that you are given the option of using standard or externally made themes.
When an entrepreneur uses an eCommerce platform, they will likely be in need of a theme that fits their line of business and target market. This is where you come in. While individuals can select from or download from existing free themes, these themes are often limited and not exactly what entrepreneurs may need to ensure the success of their eCommerce operation. This article will feature some things that you need to take into consideration when you are seeking to develop and sell themes for eCommerce on Flagon Digital Marketplace.
Your Themes Must Permit Versatile Customization
Ensure you make a theme or template that grants web store administrators the opportunity to customize their eCommerce website as oft as they desire. Many of the standard free themes does not afford businesses the opportunity to change layouts or colors, fonts so you will definitely be able to stand out if you offer that option in the themes you are venturing to sell.
Your Themes Must Be Coded Well
Ensure that you code the themes properly. It can be very difficult for business owners if they are to try and operate an eCommerce theme that has been poorly coded. A poorly coded theme can negatively impact the performance of one’s eCommerce platform.
Tools to improve code quality
- PHP language PSR-4 standards. To beautify PHP code automatically use the online or local machine tools:
- Online PHP Beautifier
- a local tool to enforce a coding standard PHP-CS-Fixer. Read Matt article on how to install and fix PHP code with PHP-CS-Fixer
- phpcbf script (PHP_CodeSniffer) to automatically correct coding standard violations
- PHP-CS-Fixer alternative PHP and javascript code beautifier
- JS, HTML, CSS Code Beautifiers
- Cory LaViska Online HTML, CSS code Beautifier
- Atom editor package atom-beautify
- Visual Studio vscode-css-formatter extension
If your buyer happens to stumble upon bugs in your theme, be sure to provide efficient service that fixes the issue in record time. Also, do not be afraid to grant a refund where it is necessary. This issue can be a very frustrating one, so it is very important that you seek to seamlessly code the themes that you will be offering for sale.
Your Theme Must Be Accessible Across All Browsers and Devices
In the 21st century, shoppers are purchasing both from computers and mobile devices. It is critical that when you offer themes that you ensure that they are optimized for various browsers and screen sizes. Across the board, traditional eCommerce platforms are offering a seamless purchasing process that moves from device to device comfortably. It would be counterproductive and hurtful to the business operator if customers are forced to deal with zooming, uncomfortable scrolling, and resizing of things to be able to patronize an online business. You must ensure that the theme you are selling does not give this kind of experience.
Tools to check website themes cross Browsers and Devices
Test pages across on-demand browsers, operating systems, and real mobile devices
- free open-source online web service Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different operating systems and browsers.
- Blisk developer-oriented browser and device emulator. Blisk delivers preinstalled phones of all needed viewports
- Browserling live interactive cross-browser testing
Your Themes Must have a demo and load fast
The themes come with a demo or several demos websites have 200% more chances to be sold.
Tips to setup theme demo website:
- Show all theme's features providing nice banners and demo products
- Increase your demo web pages speed as much as you can
- Implement Lazy Loading Images payload
- Optimize demo images to be sure that your images are no larger than they need to be. Free tools to optimize images: imageoptim, TinyPNG
- Enable gzip compression on the server. Do not use gzip on image files.
- See how your site performs, reveal why demo website slow
Sell Theme
Ready to sell theme? How to sell theme on Flagon Digital marketplace
- Prepare the attractive main image about 1100x1000 px
- Make a few theme screenshots show it's front and backend features
- Write a theme description and describe all features and technologies built-in
- Pack theme installation files, installation, and user manuals into the zip file.
- Register a free seller account
- Upload images, zip with theme and do not forget to add link to your theme demo website
Image credit Unsplash