Next order Loyalty Coupons

0 1768
php, css, js

Next Order Coupon is an extension that generates a unique Abantecart discount coupon code for every completed order and sends it to the customer email. This unique way of after-sales marketing will increase returning customer revenue.
Vouchers will be visible for the customer on their order history page. Also, a notification email will be sent to them with the coupon code, discount amount and expiration date.


  • email notification
  • fairly easy to install/use and no files are overwritten
  • coupon code is available at the front end if customers log in and check order history
  • minimum order amount as a threshold for coupon generation
  • customer group filter for coupon generation
  • Includes abantecart coupon settings for the default values of the Next Order Coupon (expiration days, min. order amount, etc.)
  • Fixed amount or percentage

Comprehensive and easy to configure, this abantecart extension will enable you to create discount vouchers and send them to your customers automatically

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.6, 7+, 8+


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Version 1.0.0
Software & Version required AbanteCart 1.2+ & 1.3+, 1.4+
Product version 1.3.2
Type Promotions and Marketing
Tags marketing, campaign, coupon, groupon, order, loyalty

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