Bazaraki prestashop XML Generator

0 2447
$60 $36
php, tpl, smarty

Automatically add your PrestaShop products at, directly from your PrestaShop 1.7 website, by auto-generating an XML file during adding products.

Why would I want to use Bazaraki PrestaShop plugin?

Many online stores, here in Cyprus, have built with PrestaShop E-commerce. Many of the admins of these websites upload new products for sale on a daily basis. By installing the Bazaraki PrestaShop XML Generator Plugin, you'll no longer need to do a double submission. You upload the products to your online store only and those are automatically posted at, in the corresponding category with the corresponding rubric that you have added to your store.

Module Requirements

You’ll need account for this to work. Bazaraki XML PrestaShop feed includes price, product name, description, sale price if needed, images.


  • Products names stop words auto clean up
  • Set the bazaraki rubric id for the categories
  • Description html clean up as required by Bazaraki
  • cover image export


Version 1.0.0
Prestashop 1.7.3
Version 1.0.1
Fix: description char fix
Version 1.0.3
Fix: bazaraki rubric whitespace trim
Version 1.1.0
delivery tag
Software & Version required PrestaShop 1.7+
Product version 1.1.0
Type - Other, Promotions and Marketing, Social Networks
Tags bazaraki, feed, products, export, xml

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