SEO Images: Products image file and alt

0 2758
php, css, js

SEO Images features

Images as an asset for organic search results and search engine optimization are often overlooked.

There is a simple image SEO reason: an image that is surrounded by related text, ranks better for the product it is optimized for.
Without even looking at the actual image, you want Google to know what the image is about. It’s simple: if your product image is a Case for Apple® iPhone® gray, the file name shouldn’t be DSC4536.jpg, but case_apple_iphone_gray.jpg

What actually this plugin actually do?

SEO keyword(s) in the file name. The plugin generates an SEO image name with a click. Just like keywords in page URLs are important for pages, the same is true for images. Using keyword-rich words in your image filename is important for helping search engines determine relevancy.

Descriptive alt text and Link title text. Alt text or tags are another way that search engines help determine what your image is about. Unlike traditional web content, search engines can’t determine the text content of an image. As a result, search engines need to rely on captions around the image, alt text, link title, file names, and other surrounding text. The plugin adds an SEO keyword to the resource name and title, appears in the default template as descriptive text in the image alt tags, and several link titles help the search engines determine what the content of the image is.
abantecart seo audit product tool

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.6, 7+, 8+
  • GD PHP Extension


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Version 1.0.0
Version 1.0.5
Fix: ampersand
Software & Version required AbanteCart 1.2+ & 1.3+, 1.4+
Product version 1.0.8
Type Administration, SEO
Tags seo, images, pictures, search engine, alt, title, products

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