Pricecheck Integration Feed Pro

0 1801
php, css, js

you’ll need PriceCheck account for this to work.
PriceCheck drives highly qualified traffic directly to the product pages through an advanced search and categorization system.

This plugin allows you to generate an up-to-date list of products to your PriceCheck profile.

What is PriceCheck?
The future of price comparison. PriceCheck is SA's leading shopping comparison. The fastest and most relevant shopping search engine in South Africa.

What criteria must I meet to become a listed shop on PriceCheck?
As long as you sell products online via your website and have a shopping cart, you qualify to become a PriceCheck merchant.

Use the extension to syndicate your product list with an XML feed format for PriceCheck.


Why it better than the official plugin?
  • Bigger product image in high quality in the feed!
  • Option to calculate the Delivery cost for each product and send to feed
  • Option to set delivery cost for all or disable at all
  • Short description (blurb) support
  • Option to show in the feed product's special and original price!
  • If you want you can create per-category feeds!
  • The option to show product Unique product identifiers in feed or not. For UPC or EAN (Unique product identifiers) fill in product SKU.
  • Feed sorting
As well as other features
  • SEO Url support
  • Show the whole product description in the feed or a certain number of words
  • Stock availability supported (In Stock, Out of stock)
  • Manufacturer/brand support!
  • model number support
  • Generate all products XML feed link or selected category feed

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.6, 7+


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Version 1.0.0
Version 2.0.2
Fix: delivery calculation
Software & Version required AbanteCart 1.2+ & 1.3+
Product version 2.0.3
Type - Other, Promotions and Marketing, Social Networks
Tags feed, xml, market, export, bazaar, price comparison, catalog

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