DISQUS comments Integration

0 2213
php, css, js

If you're passionate about writing and sharing, Disqus helps you build a community of active readers and commenters. With Disqus, your website gains a feature-rich comment system complete with social network integration, advanced administration and moderation options, and other extensive community functions.
Web's most popular discussion system, Disqus is used by millions of websites that cover pretty much any topic imaginable. Disqus magic is in connecting people to stuff worth talking about.


  • Not need to modify files. Easy install.
  • Hide on the mobile setting.
  • Display on product pages setting.
  • Display on content pages setting.
  • Seo URL support.
  • Show DISQUS comments in the tab.
  • Editable Heading text
  • Supports AbanteCart built-In templates such as 'default' and 'default_html5' and templates that have a full implementation of AbanteCart hooks.

DISQUS Features

  • Arrange comments by Top Comments and Newest Oldest
  • Powerful moderation: Moderate/Approve/Delete/SPAM comments
  • Blacklist/Whitelist comments
  • Enable/Disable email notifications
  • Add restricted word
  • Responsive design and Adaptive color theme
  • and more

The Comment System

Baked into Disqus' core is a powerful comment system that is designed to drive more participation and engagement on your site. Millions of people are already recognized by the Disqus system, making it easier for them to be part of your site's community.

Highly engaged traffic

Disqus is designed to increase both audience participation & website traffic.

Community with Benefits

Adding Disqus to your site turns comments into a community. Comments are no longer a costly burden, they're an active asset to your site.

Participation drives consumption

Increasingly, advertisers want to target more engaged users. Disqus users are more likely to share, spend more than 156% time on site and view 56% more pages than the average site visitor.

How is spam filtered?

Disqus has an incredibly effective built-in spam filter which is executed right after a comment is posted.

What effect does Disqus have on my site's performance?

Disqus loads asynchronously (after the rest of your site has finished loading), so it won't affect the rest of your page performance. 

How much does it cost to use Disqus?

There's one core Disqus service available at no cost, with certain features you can adjust and add.

Compatible with AbanteCart 1.1.7.x,  1.2.x and higher versions

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.6, 7+, 8+
  • GD PHP Extension


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Version 1.0.0
Version 1.0.2
Fix: tab css
Software & Version required AbanteCart 1.2+ & 1.3+, 1.4+
Product version 1.0.4
Type Communication, Social Networks
Tags comments, social, faq, ask and answer

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