Logo Block with retina

0 1274
php, css


The site logo is used by many modules but the way it is rendered by default leaves little room for customization. Usually, it is rendered by the theme in a pre-defined region, linking to the home page and displaying the full image without any possibility of decrease. Abantecart Logo Block solves these problems by creating a block that you can put wherever you want, with a configuration form where you can select max-width as well as an optional retina image that you want to use for the rendering of the logo.

Notes: block do not hide your original template logo placeholder. You need to hide it manually.

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.6, 7+
  • GD PHP Extension


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Version 1.0.0
Software & Version required AbanteCart 1.2+ & 1.3+
Product version 1.1.0
Type Design and Navigation
Tags logo, retina, @2x, @3x, block, home

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